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Uploading Files with Drag 'n' Drop
1) Make sure you're logged in and your E-Mail is verified! 2) Observe the box below the instructions or visit the
Drag 'n' Drop page. 3) Click on the drag and drop region and select files or drag a file directly into the box. 4) Copy your link and send it to someone!
Uploading Files with ShareX
1) Make sure your E-Mail is verified! 2) Download
ShareX and install it (version 14.0+). 3) On the main ShareX window, go to Destinations > Destination Settings. 4) Scroll down to the File uploaders section and click LobFile. 5) Put your E-Mail and password in the respective boxes and click Fetch API key. 6) Close the ShareX Destination settings window you have open. 7) Now, on the main ShareX window you're at, click Destinations. 8) Hover your mouse over the Image uploaders section, then hover over
File uploaders submenu item. 9) Select LobFile. 10) Repeat the steps 8 and 9 for Text uploader and File uploader sections within the
Destinations menu item on ShareX. 11) Click on the ShareX tray icon, drag and drop your cursor over a region you want to capture. 12) The link to your file should be copied to your clipboard! 13) (optional) create a "capture region" keybinding for the print screen button on your keyboard by going to the "Hotkey settings..." on the ShareX main window!
This is nifty because you can push the keybind to freeze the screen and initiate a click-and-drag screenshot!