Getting started

                // You'll find cURL examples, HTTP response examples,
// and other notes in this column.

The LobFile API will allow you (or an application you're writing) to automate the management of your files and other account features. The examples provided on the right column will be cURL.

To use this API, you need an API Key. Access to the API is free to anyone, no matter what account tier you have. Your API key can be found on the my-account page once you have created an account and logged in. Be sure to verify your account's Email address, otherwise requests will fail with an unauthorised error.

If you find this service useful, or if you need more performance out of LobFile (like faster downloads or more account space), please consider becoming a Patreon member.

rate limits

                // HTTP response header example, no response body.
HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests

LobFile is configured with a global rate limit of 4 requests per second per IP. If you exceed this rate limit you will receive a HTTP1.1 429 Too Many Requests response with no response body.

Please be respectful with your use of the API in your integration and use case.

api requests

// Example of valid API request.
curl \
-H 'X-API-Key: ExampleAPIKey' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"file":"5l1D"}' \

The only API endpoint that requires POST form data in the request is UPLOAD. All other API endpoints require you to send JSON requests. Be sure to use the examples as an additional guide.

api responses

// Example of successful API request response.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "success": true,
    "url": ""

// Example of a failed API request response.
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    "success": false,
    "error": "Invalid API key"

// Example of a failed API request response, no response body.
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

Foremost: All HTTP requests will respond with the most relevant HTTP status code. A response with HTTP1.1 200 OK means the request was fully successful, and that the JSON response from the server will be valid.

API responses are JSON objects. Note that the server will not always be able to provide a valid JSON response. You must plan for cases where the API response may not include a valid JSON object or a JSON object at all.

All responses that contain any valid JSON will include a "success" boolean field. In some cases, an "error" JSON field will be present if there was a problem. Otherwise, you can expect whatever else is documented for that API endpoint.


// Example of X-API-Key HTTP header authentication:
curl \
-H 'X-API-Key: ExampleAPIKey' \
-F 'file=@/path/to/file.ext' \

// Example of unauthorised response.
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    "success": false,
    "error": "Invalid API key"

All HTTP requests will require you to provide an API Key for authentication. This can be done by sending a HTTP Header: X-API-Key: ExampleAPIKey with your request.

Requests that have failed authentication will yield a HTTP 401 Unauthorized response.


// Example of uploading a file:
curl \
-H 'X-API-Key: ExampleAPIKey' \
-F 'file=@/path/to/file.ext' \

// Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "success": true,
    "url": ""

// Example of uploading a file with the optional sha_256 param:
curl \
-H 'X-API-Key: ExampleAPIKey' \
-F 'file=@/path/to/file.ext' \
-F 'sha_256=64characterhashgoeshere' \

// Response
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    "success": false,
    "error": "Failed to get hash of file"

Request Method: POST
Request Parameter Type: HTTP FORM DATA
Purpose: Upload a file to LobFile.
Notes: Upload limitations such as file size, file count, etc. will depend on your account tier, login to LobFile and visit the my-account page to see your specific account limits.

Currently, all file extensions are allowed, however certain extensions are restricted and will automatically be changed upon upload. Duplicate uploads will simply return the existing link for your account. One file per HTTP request.


Field Type Description
file multipart/form-data The file contents you want to upload.
sha_256 String (optional) Verifies that the file the server stored matches your provided SHA-256 hash.


Field Type Description
success Bool Request result
url String Full URL to the newly uploaded file.
error String (on error) A short message to indicate what went wrong.


// Example retrieving the account file list:
curl \
-H 'X-API-Key: ExampleAPIKey' \
-X GET \

Request Method: GET
Request Parameter Type: NONE
Purpose: Retrieve the complete list of files for the account associated with the API key provided.
Note: If you are currently logged in to LobFile on this browser, you can click the link above and visit the endpoint to see the output directly (without having to provide the X-API-Key header).


Field Type Description


Field Type Description
success Bool Request result
error String (on error) A short message to indicate what went wrong.
preferred_domain String The domain to be used for building links to files (https://preferred_domain/file/name).
show_file_extensions Bool If the account is configured to include the file extension in returned links.
file_list[n][name] String The unique file name/ID of this file.
file_list[n][extension] String The file extension of this file.
file_list[n][size] Integer The file size in bytes.
file_list[n][hits] Integer Number of downloads this file has.
file_list[n][sha256] String The SHA256 of this file.
file_list[n][is_favorite] Bool Whether the file is marked as a favorite or not.
file_list[n][time_added] String When the file was uploaded.
file_list[n][last_accessed] String When the file was most recently downloaded.


// Example of toggling a file as a 'favorite'.
curl \
-H 'X-API-Key: ExampleAPIKey' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"file":"5l1D"}' \

Request Method: POST
Request Parameter Type: JSON
Purpose: Mark a specific file as a "favorite".
Note: Files marked as a "Favorite" are excluded from automatic deletion by the "Continuous Uploading" account setting and appear in file-management with a gold star. This endpoint is an implicit toggle operation, rather than an explicit adjustment. The response will also indicate the new "favorite" state of the file.


Field Type Description
file String The file to toggle importance on (do not include file extension, just the unique name).


Field Type Description
success Bool Request result
error String (on error) A short message to indicate what went wrong.
file String The file name/id that was adjusted.
is_favorite Bool The new 'favorite' state of the file.


// Example of deleting a single file.
curl \
-H 'X-API-Key: ExampleAPIKey' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '["5l1D"]' \

// Example of deleting multiple files at once.
curl \
-H 'X-API-Key: ExampleAPIKey' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '["PduRkgR8","9qspq67Q"]' \
-X DELETE \            

Request Method: DELETE
Request Parameter Type: JSON
Purpose: Delete a file from the account.
Note: Files deleted from a LobFile account immediately become unavailable for download.


Field Type Description
N/A List A JSON encoded list of files to delete. See the example!


Field Type Description
success Bool Request result
affected_files List A list of files that were successfully deleted..


// Example of fetching account info.
curl \
-H 'X-API-Key: ExampleAPIKey' \

Request Method: GET
Request Parameter Type: NONE
Purpose: Retrieve account information.
Note: If you are currently logged in to LobFile on this browser, you can click the link above and visit the endpoint to see the output directly (without having to provide the X-API-Key header).


Field Type Description


Field Type Description
success Bool Request result
account_info[email] String Associated account's Email address as stored.
account_info[level] String Associated account's current level (as per data from Patreon).
account_info[level_upgradable] Bool Whether this account can be upgraded to a larger tier on Patreon.
account_info[api_key] String The account's API key (you probably used this as part of the request).
account_info[time_created] String The date and time that the account was created (UTC).
account_limits[space_quota] Integer The maximum allowed size of the associated account in bytes.
account_limits[slots_quota] Integer The maximum number of active files allowed at once.
account_limits[max_file_size] Integer The maximum allowed file size (of a single file).
account_limits[max_file_download_speed] Integer The max download speed (in megabits per second) of files on the associated account.
account_usage[space_used] Integer The amount of space the associated account is in bytes.
account_usage[slots_used] Integer The number of active files.


// Example of fetching account info.
curl \
-H 'X-API-Key: ExampleAPIKey' \

Request Method: GET
Request Parameter Type: NONE
Purpose: Retrieve account settings.
Note: If you are currently logged in to LobFile on this browser, you can click the link above and visit the endpoint to see the output directly (without having to provide the X-API-Key header).


Field Type Description


Field Type Description
success Bool Request result
account_settings[preferred_domain_value] String The domain to be used to build links ("Default Link Domain").
account_settings[return_file_extension_value] Bool If the account is configured to include the file extension in URLs ("Include Extensions").
account_settings[continuous_uploading_value] Bool If the account is configured to delete the oldest files to make room for the newest files, excluding all favorite files ("Continuous uploading").
account_settings[preferred_filename_length_value] Integer The configured desired filename length ("Filename Length").
account_settings[inactivity_auto_delete_days_value] Integer Automatically delete files that haven't been accessed in x number of days, excluding all favorite files. ("Auto Delete Inactive Files").
is_patreon_member Bool Is the account a Patreon member?